Pastor Paul Reynolds

     Since April of 2019, Paul Reynolds has been the pastor of TRBC. Bro. Reynolds was born in Olney, Illinois, and as the son of a pastor, he and his family lived in Arkansas and Louisiana during his childhood. While in Russellville, Arkansas, at the age of 16, after much time desiring a personal relationship with the Lord, the Lord saved him. His family then moved to Missouri soon after.
     In March of 2000, Bro Reynolds followed the Lord’s calling and surrender to preach while at Independence Baptist Church of Forisstell, MO. While at Independence, Bro. Reynolds had the strong desire to serve the Lord. God used him in various capacities, such as Assistant Pastor, Sunday School Superintendent and the principal of the church’s private school. All while working in restaurants and in the plumbing field. Where he learned valuable lessons, that you’ll often hear talked about in his sermons.
     In August of 1996, Bro. Reynolds married Tricia Catt. They now have 5 children together (Melynda, Samantha, Jessica, Zachary & Derrick). They have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord and are grateful to be at Twelve Ryan Baptist Church.


“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

– John 16:33

Pastor Reynolds


Pastor and Sister Reynolds